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Where is Design Manager in HubSpot – How to Use HubSpot Design Tools

where is design manager in hubspot

The HubSpot Design Manager is used to create, manage, and optimize websites or landing pages.

Whether you’re a marketer looking to refine your site’s visuals or a designer developing from scratch, HubSpot’s Design Manager is your go-to tool.

But, where is Design Manager in HubSpot, and how can you make the most of it?

In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the HubSpot Design Manager tools, from how to access it to tips on using it for designing websites, emails, and landing pages.

What is the HubSpot Design Manager?

HubSpot Design Manager is an all-in-one design tool integrated within HubSpot’s CMS (Content Management System). It’s built to help marketers, developers, and designers create and customize website themes, email templates, and landing pages.

Unlike traditional design platforms, HubSpot Design Manager is tailored for HubSpot users, making it easier to create marketing assets without external tools.

Through the Design Manager, you have access to a variety of HubSpot design tools, including drag-and-drop editors, modules, HTML/CSS coding environments, and HubL (HubSpot’s templating language).

The flexibility of the platform allows both non-coders and experienced developers to work on projects collaboratively.

Where is the Design Manager in HubSpot?

For new users or those unfamiliar with the platform, finding the Design Manager can seem a complex to-do.

But don’t worry—here’s how to locate it:

Login to HubSpot

First, you need to log into your HubSpot account. If you don’t have one yet, you’ll need to create an account on HubSpot’s website. Once logged in, navigate to the main dashboard.

Navigate to the CMS Hub

From your HubSpot dashboard, head to the top navigation bar.

Hover over or click on the “Marketing” tab. If your company uses HubSpot’s CMS, you should see a menu item labeled “Files and Templates.

Access Design Tools

Under “Files and Templates,” click on “Design Tools.”

This will open the HubSpot Design Manager interface, where you can begin editing and creating themes, templates, and modules for your website.

Direct Access via URL

You can also go directly to the Design Manager by entering this URL in your browser after logging into HubSpot:

By following these steps, you’ll quickly access the HubSpot Design Manager, your control center for managing all design elements within HubSpot CMS.

Why Use HubSpot Design Manager?

Once you’ve located the Design Manager, you might wonder why it’s important to use this tool instead of an external design platform.

Let’s explore some key reasons:

Integrated Design Tools

One of the biggest benefits of using HubSpot Design Manager is that it integrates directly with the rest of HubSpot’s tools.

You can connect your design assets with your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts.

Fast Collaboration

HubSpot Design Manager allows for easy collaboration between developers, designers, and marketers.

Because all the tools are centralized, it’s easier to ensure consistent branding and messaging across all marketing channels.

Responsive Design

The platform allows you to create responsive designs that work well across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

HubSpot’s drag-and-drop editor also makes it easy to adjust designs for different screen sizes, ensuring your site looks great everywhere.

Features of HubSpot Design Manager

Once you know where the Design Manager is in HubSpot, it’s important to understand the design tools and features you’ll have access to.

Some of the key features include:

1. Themes and Templates

HubSpot’s Design Manager offers a wide array of themes and templates that you can use to create web pages, blogs, and email campaigns.

You can start from scratch or customize existing templates to match your brand’s identity.

The modular system also allows you to reuse certain design elements across multiple templates, saving time and ensuring brand consistency.

2. Drag-and-Drop Editor

The drag-and-drop editor makes it easy for non-developers to create and edit pages without coding knowledge.

You can drag modules (such as text blocks, images, forms, and buttons) directly onto a page and adjust their size and position.

3. Code Editor for Developers

For developers, HubSpot Design Manager provides a full-fledged code editor that supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and HubL.

The code editor allows for advanced customization of themes and templates, making it possible to implement complex design features.

4. HubL Templating Language

HubL is HubSpot’s proprietary templating language that allows developers to create dynamic, personalized content within templates.

HubL can be used to display content, pull in dynamic content, and manage global website settings.

5. Version Control

HubSpot’s Design Manager comes equipped with built-in version control, which allows you to track changes to your designs over time.

This means that if you make a mistake or need to revert to a previous version, you can easily do so without losing your progress.

How to Log in to HubSpot Design Manager

Logging into the Design Manager is an easy process:

Open HubSpot CMS

As mentioned before, after logging into HubSpot, hover over the “Marketing” tab and click on “Files and Templates.”

Navigate to Design Tools

Once in “Files and Templates,” click on “Design Tools” to access the Design Manager.

Start Creating or Editing

Once logged in, you’ll have full access to start creating, editing, and managing your design assets.

The design manager login process is integrated with your HubSpot account, ensuring a secure experience for users who work within the HubSpot ecosystem.

3 Ways to Customize Your Website with HubSpot Design Tools

When using the HubSpot Design Manager, you have multiple options for customizing your website to ensure it aligns with your brand’s goals and visual identity.

Some customization options include:

Custom Modules

You can create reusable custom modules for your templates, which can be inserted into any page with drag-and-drop ease.

These modules can include image galleries, calls to action, sliders, and more.

Global Content Edits

HubSpot allows you to set global styles and content across all of your pages. This includes elements like headers, footers, and navigation bars, ensuring that all pages have a cohesive look and feel.

Where is Design Manager in HubSpot CMS – Conclusion

Now that you know where the Design Manager is in HubSpot and how to use it, you’re well on your way to mastering HubSpot’s design tools.

Whether you’re a marketer looking to make quick updates or a developer building complex custom solutions, HubSpot’s Design Manager provides the flexibility and functionality you need to succeed.

So, next time you’re in HubSpot, remember to head over to the Design Manager—your one-stop shop for all things design.

Design Manager Login FAQs

Where are design modules in HubSpot free CMS?

In HubSpot, design modules are found within the “Design Tools” section, accessible via the “Marketing” menu under “Files and Templates.”


Where do I edit templates in HubSpot CRM?

To edit templates in HubSpot CRM, navigate to “Conversations” in the main menu, select “Templates,” then click on the template you want to edit. From there, you can make changes, save, and update it for future use.


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