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Can I Delete Delivered Only HubSpot Email – Exploring Options and Best Practices

can i delete delivered only hubspot email

Sending emails is an important aspect of modern marketing and sales.

HubSpot provides an automated platform for managing email marketing campaigns.

But what happens when you send an email with an error, or the wrong recipient list is used?

A common question arises: Can I delete delivered only HubSpot email?

Many users wish for the ability to “unsend” or delete emails that have already been delivered.

In this blog, we’ll explore the realities of email recall, the alternatives available, and what you can do to prevent future mistakes.

Can You Unsend an Email in HubSpot?

The simple answer is no, you cannot unsend or delete a delivered HubSpot email.

Once an email is delivered to a recipient’s inbox, it is out of your control.

This is due to how email systems operate—once an email leaves your server, it cannot be retrieved.

Many users have discussed this issue across platforms like Reddit, often asking, “how do you unsending an email?”

Unfortunately, like with most email platforms, HubSpot doesn’t offer a recall or delete feature once the email has been delivered.

Can i Delete Delivered Only HubSpot Email – Reddit Perspective

This is a common inquiry in user forums like Reddit, where many HubSpot users search for ways to undo a mistakenly sent email.


Is it possible to skip an email if a user has received one already in the last 24 hours?
byu/Cool-Pineapple-123 inhubspot

Can i Delete Delivered Only HubSpot in Outlook

Unsending an email is challenging because of how email deliverability works.

Once an email is delivered to the recipient’s mail server, there is no way to recall it.

It becomes the property of the recipient’s email provider, making it impossible to retrieve or delete.

Can I Delete Delivered Only HubSpot Email Templates?

Email templates cannot be altered after emails are delivered.

If a mistake occurs in a template—whether it’s a typo, formatting error, or missing CTA—this can’t be undone for emails that have already gone out.

It’s important to thoroughly review your HubSpot email templates before sending out bulk campaigns.

Can I Delete Delivered Only HubSpot Email Signature?

When a mistake is made in an email’s signature, such as incorrect branding or a missing legal disclaimer, there is no way to recall the email after it’s sent.

To avoid this, double-check your HubSpot email signature settings before hitting send.

You can update your email signature for future campaigns, but for emails already sent, no changes can be made retroactively.

Can I Unsend Emails to Unopened Recipients?

Many wonder if an email can be deleted or unsent before it is opened by the recipient. Sadly, the answer remains no.

Once HubSpot has delivered the email, whether opened or unopened, it cannot be recalled or deleted.

Monitoring engagement and email tracking can help understand which emails remain unopened, but there is no way to stop the recipient from potentially opening the email later.

Can I Delete Delivered Only HubSpot Emails Not Opened?

You can track which emails are unopened using HubSpot’s email tracking features, but once an email has been delivered, it cannot be unsent, even if the recipient hasn’t opened it yet.

Can I Delete Delivered Only HubSpot Email in Gmail?

Like Outlook, Gmail does not offer the ability to recall or delete a HubSpot email after it has been delivered.

Gmail’s “Undo Send” feature only applies to emails sent directly through their platform and has a very brief recall window of 30 seconds.

Once that period has passed, your HubSpot emails are delivered and cannot be retrieved.

Alternatives to Unsending an Email

While you cannot undo a delivered email, there are a few strategies you can employ to manage the impact of a mistaken email:

Send a Follow-Up Correction Email

One of the most straightforward responses to an incorrect email is sending a follow-up email to apologize and clarify the mistake.

This helps retain the trust of your audience and minimize confusion.

For example, if you sent the wrong promotion, you can send a correction email explaining the error and providing the correct information.

Monitor Deliverability and Unsubscribe Rates

As mentioned, an email error can lead to negative outcomes such as higher unsubscribe rates or spam complaints.

Closely monitor your email’s deliverability metrics, including:

Bounce rate (to identify failed deliveries)

Unsubscribe rate

Open and click-through rates

Spam complaints

Keeping an eye on these metrics will help you gauge the audience’s reaction and make data-driven decisions about your next steps.

Adjust Your Email Tracking and Reporting

HubSpot provides tracking features, including email opens, clicks, and email tracking across different platforms like Gmail and Outlook.

You can analyze these metrics post-mistake to assess how the email was received, and adjust future messaging or segmentation to ensure higher relevance and accuracy.

Use Segmentation to Reduce Impact

If your email was sent to a large and diverse audience, it might be possible to limit the impact by identifying the segments most affected.

For example, if only a certain portion of your list received the incorrect information, you can target just that group with a correction email or apology message.

Best Practices to Avoid Mistakes

Although you cannot unsend an email in HubSpot, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of making mistakes in the first place.

Prevention is key when it comes to email marketing, and following best practices will ensure you avoid major email mishaps.

Double-Check Content and Recipients

Before hitting send, always review the email content for accuracy. Double-check things like:

Subject line

Is it relevant and appropriate?

Body content

Does the message accurately convey your intent?


Are all the links working and pointing to the correct destinations?

Recipient list

Is the email going to the right audience segment?

Using a checklist or approval process before sending can help catch these common errors.

Use HubSpot’s Email Preview and Test Features

HubSpot provides tools to preview emails and send test versions to yourself or your team before launching a full campaign.

Testing an email across multiple devices and email clients (like Gmail, Outlook, etc.) will give you a better idea of how the final version will appear to recipients.

Implement Approval Workflows

Setting up an approval process for large or high-impact campaigns, can help prevent costly errors.

HubSpot allows for workflow automation, meaning you can require approval from key stakeholders before sending any email to your list.

Unsubscribe Options

Every mail should have include a clear unsubscribe option, as required by email marketing laws such as CAN-SPAM.

Failing to include an easy way for recipients to opt out can lead to increased spam complaints and a damaged sender reputation.

Can You Remove ‘Powered by HubSpot’ from Emails?

If you’re using HubSpot’s free version or certain paid tiers, your emails may display the “Powered by HubSpot” branding.

To remove this, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid version of HubSpot.

The branding is part of HubSpot’s promotional feature for its free users and cannot be removed unless you upgrade to a tier that allows branding customization.


Although you cannot delete or unsend a delivered email in HubSpot, there are many strategies to reduce the effects of an incorrect email.

Proactive prevention is the best way to avoid email errors.


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