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How Software Can Help Boost Your DE&I Efforts

While Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are three common buzzwords in the business world today, the fundamental importance of these values extends beyond just as a mere trend.  Not only are they critical from a social standpoint, but prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace is also beneficial for every facet of your organization.

Although the usage of technology alone is not always enough to execute an effective DE&I strategy, software can significantly help in augmenting your DEI efforts. In this article, we will be exploring the meaning and importance of DEI in business and how software can enhance your company’s DEI plans.

Defining DE&I in Business

DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. While most businesses claim to understand and thoroughly embrace these values in their organization, often their understanding of DEI and its significance in the workplace is not holistic. The definition of DEI in business has evolved with time- it’s now no longer just about reaching demographic quotas but about understanding your employee’s identities, respecting differences, and actively identifying and tackling deep-rooted systems and practices that promote inequity in the workplace.

In order to develop a clearer understanding of what DEI truly is about, let’s define and explore each of these terms separately.


In general, diversity refers to a range or variety. Diversity in the workplace means a variety in physical, physiological, cultural, and social characteristics of employees. While previously, businesses generally explored diversity within the limits of gender and race alone, companies are now expanding their understanding of diversity to include ethnicity, age, sexuality, disability, class, etc. Diversity in business doesn’t only mean the inclusion of individuals belonging to minorities or underrepresented groups, but also recognizing employees as diverse and unique individuals beyond their belonging to a specific race, gender, or ethnicity.


Equity is the practice of implementing policies that remove bias and inequality in the workplace, ensuring the full participation of people from all backgrounds and social groups. Equity means that every individual in an organization is treated the same and has access to the same opportunities, regardless of their social group.


Inclusion means that, apart from an employee’s identity as an individual, they feel included and valued in an organization as part of a bigger team. Diversity doesn’t automatically guarantee inclusion- you can have a diverse team of individuals from varying groups, but your workplace is not inclusive if those individuals feel estranged and unwelcome. Inclusion can be said to be diversity in action and leads to an accepting, collaborative and safe work environment.

Although the terms diversity, equity, and inclusion are often used interchangeably in business, each value is unique and must be thoroughly understood and implemented in order to establish a thorough and effective DEI program. Organizations that don’t address all three elements that make up DEI may miss out on some crucial financial and functional benefits that a holistic DEI program can bring.

The Importance of DEI In The Workplace

Diversity in the workplace is no longer a nice-to-have. With both customers and employees holding businesses to higher standards for inclusion and equity in the workplace, embracing DEI in your organization is not only the right thing to do but is in fact critical to your business’s success.

In short, DEI programs can help organizations:

  • Retain diverse talent.
  • Enhance employee safety, loyalty, and trust.
  • Create space for greater innovation and creativity in day-to-day business operations.
  • Promote individual employee growth, which in turn benefits the organization as a whole.
  • Establish a collaborative, open, and interactive workplace environment.
  • Have better relationship management and teamwork.
  • Be more appealing to a broader, diverse target market.
  • Optimize productivity, giving way to better financial performance.
  • Make use of different employee perspectives and varying experiences to mitigate challenges more effectively.
  • Practice empathy better.

Why Companies Who Value DEI Are More Successful

Organizations with diverse environments are, on average, much more successful than businesses that lack diversity and inclusion and also enjoy greater employee satisfaction, higher engagement and creativity levels, and even profit margins.

Strong DEI programs enhance a company’s employee and financial performance greatly. When present in an environment where they feel included, respected, valued, and listened to, employees can show up to work every day being their most authentic selves and are more likely to be loyal to the business and perform to their highest potential. Apart from boosting employee trust and job satisfaction, multiple studies have proven that DEI in business provides a multitude of other benefits that can be seen across all business levels.

  • A Springer Plus Report details that organizations with greater diversity are more likely to have employees with increased job satisfaction and greater levels of trust.
    • According to McKinsey’s ‘Diversity Matters’ report, organizations with higher gender and ethnic diversity are 15% and 35% more likely to outperform less diverse competitors.
  • The same study found that organizations with greater racial and gender diversity bring in more sales revenue, higher profits, and retain more customers.
  • Companies with higher diversity earned about 38% more revenue than companies with lower diversity.
  • Teams are 158% more likely to understand their target customer base when they have at least one member representing their target’s gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, age, or culture.

Using Software to Enhance Your DEI Plans

These numbers make it clear that running DEI programs can be of great value to your company, but DEI doesn’t always come easy. Organizations have to put in real work and effort to transform their workplaces into safe spaces where every individual feels listened to and respected, which can be hard to do. This is why developers have risen to the occasion and created software to help businesses mitigate challenges, tackle inequity, and become more progressive, diverse, and inclusive.

How It Can Help

Once companies have designed a DEI strategy, the use of tech tools and software can greatly empower organizations to effectively execute that strategy and bring about real change in their workplace culture. Today, there are hundreds of technology solutions that help businesses strengthen their DEI programs. Some of the ways these tools can aid organizations include:

Removing Bias From Talent Acquisition

One of the first steps to embracing DEI in your organization is revamping your hiring and recruitment processes. Talent acquisition is the building block for creating a diverse workforce, and there are several ways in which software can help you optimize your hiring process. DEI solutions such as Applicant Tracking Systems or AI-based recruitment can help eliminate human bias from the recruiting process, write inclusive job descriptions that appeal to a vast population, and support extensive and far-reaching talent sourcing.

Provide Valuable DEI Insights

DEI software can provide valuable insight into diverse talent turnover rates, the effectiveness of employee resource groups, inclusivity in the talent recruitment processes, pay equity, and other performance indicators that can help business leaders assess where DEI stands in their company. These insights can help enhance company cultural awareness and help leaders identify precisely what they need to do to encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

Boost Employee Engagement

Many DEI tools and software are built to aid businesses in conducting employee surveys and gaining valuable feedback that leaders can use to enhance inclusion and boost employee engagement. From scanning workplace communication to identify bias to helping leaders receive anonymous feedback on any discrimination experienced by employees, these tools greatly help tackle and remove hidden biases in the workplace and promote greater equity and inclusion. DEI tools can help solicit feedback and measure the impact of your business policies and initiatives on DEI in your business and also allow the people working with you to give direct feedback on the influence of your strategies on the workplace environment.

How To Select The Best DEI Software

DEI software can only help your business if you make an educated and informed choice when selecting the best software for your unique business needs. Finding the perfect DEI software for your organization can be a challenging and time-consuming task. Still, it’s essential to be patient and thorough at this stage so you can enjoy the benefits of a holistic DEI program later. Below, we’ve compiled some tips to help you get your hands on the best DEI solution for your company.

Identify Your Needs

Before settling for any software, it’s important to identify precisely why you need it in the first place. Are you looking for a new DEI solution or an update on an existing one? What current DEI strategies do you implement in your organization? Where do these strategies lack? What sort of tools do you need to streamline these processes?

Finding the answers to these critical questions will give you a clearer understanding of what sort of a solution you are looking for and what exactly you aim to achieve with it. This understanding is vital in helping you pick the right software to boost your DEI efforts.


Create a thorough investment plan. Evaluate how much you usually spend on managing DEI initiatives in the workplace and whether you can afford to scale up this budget if you find the right tool. Also, create a list of all the features you would like the solution to have, and conduct research to understand how much these will expectedly cost you. These two steps should give you a good idea of how to budget your DEI solution.

Conduct Vendor Research

Once you’ve identified your business needs and set up a budget, it’s time to search for vendors for your DEI solution. This stage can be pretty overwhelming for business owners due to a load of options crowding the market, but there are some ways you can filter through options and find promising ones for your company.

Be sure to assess the vendor’s market presence and reputation and ask for client testimonials and case studies to give you an idea of their capabilities. Analyze reviews both on the vendor’s site and on third-party sites, and compare their features and quotes with other vendors on the market. If you require any specific, tailor-made features in your software, remember to ask the vendor beforehand whether they can provide them. Take an in-depth tour of their portfolio, and ask important questions about their quotes, services, availability, and so on.

Don’t Stop At The Basics

It’s important not to settle for a vendor after finding answers to the basic questions alone. Ask your vendors about additional services such as their configuration and setup plans and maintenance and support services. It’s best to find out everything you can about their processes before you seal the deal, to lessen chances of misunderstandings or disputes happening in the future.

The Best Practices & Strategies for DEI

A truly comprehensive and effective DEI strategy is integrated across all business levels, from HR to leadership and beyond. Here are some basic practices you can encourage in your organization to promote diversity, inclusion, and equity within all facets of your company.

  • Follow collaborative conflict resolution practices.
  • Provide training and conduct workshops on conscious and unconscious bias and how to eliminate it.
  • Embrace and respect religious, cultural, ethnic, racial, sexual, and gender diversity in the workplace.
  • Provide equal access to growth and opportunities to all employees.
  • Set up anti-discrimination policies and strategies and reinforce them regularly.
  • Take strict action against any harassment and discrimination occurring within the workplace.
  • Develop employee resource and community outreach groups.
  • Regularly assess diversity metrics and hold leaders accountable for exhibiting any bias or discriminatory behavior.
  • Keep track of performance metrics and goal reports.
  • Integrate DEI strategies into recruitment practices, leadership assessment, performance management, and employee training and support.

Going Beyond Technology- Why Software Alone Is Never Enough

While software can undoubtedly aid your DEI efforts, you mustn’t expect technology alone to magically turn your organization into one that values diversity, inclusion, and equity. Diversity and inclusion tools aren’t meant to replace any additional work you put into establishing an inclusive work environment. They can help automate some processes and provide you with other resources to strengthen and improve your DEI strategy, but you as a business leader will have to put in conscious, ongoing, and active efforts to make your DEI strategy shine.

Effective policymaking, conflict resolution, leadership commitment, and awareness programs, compounded with useful DEI tools and software, is a winning combination that will allow your company to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion in their truest essence.

Rolling Out A Successful DEI Program

Much inequity and lack of inclusiveness in the workplace are driven by long-imbedded prejudices and conscious and unconscious bias in business. With increasing awareness about these structural inequalities and discriminatory practices, organizations are being forced to reevaluate long-standing practices and embrace newer, more effective ways to engage and retain a diverse workforce. Amidst this widespread cultural change, business leaders must use helpful DEI tools to implement equitable practices and fully acknowledge, appreciate and engage with all employee talent.

Since employees are actively on the lookout for workplaces where their diversity and individuality is valued and appreciated, now is the time to reexamine your company’s DEI practices and genuinely aim to improve for the future. While intentions and training are an excellent way to get started, your organization might face difficulty in bringing about significant change without effective DEI technologies and solutions to aid you in your journey to a more diverse, accommodating, and healthy work environment.

Searching for innovative DEI solutions to transform your workplace for the better? Partner with MPire now to witness how creative, tailor-made software can augment your DEI efforts like never before!

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